Is it possible to limit a driver to use only part of a cluster?
For example, if I have a cluster with 500 CPUs, can I use ray.init(address='auto', num_cpus=100)
to limit a driver to only use 100 of them?
Is it possible to limit a driver to use only part of a cluster?
For example, if I have a cluster with 500 CPUs, can I use ray.init(address='auto', num_cpus=100)
to limit a driver to only use 100 of them?
This is not supported in an API level. But, there are ways to achieve it.
bundle = {"CPU": 4}
pg = placement_group([bundle] * 25, strategy="SPREAD") # Will create 4 CPUs bundle that will be spread across the cluster
def f():
If this feature is important for your case, please create a feature request with the use case here; Issues · ray-project/ray · GitHub (I can imagine this could be an important multi tenancy feature)