Let’s say I have a DAG composed of three nodes, similar to this example: ray_dag.py
I can run that from the command line using “serve run ray_dag:graph” and send it queries via http using this code: client.py
That works great. But, now let’s say that I wanted to ONLY ping a single node in the graph (e.g., func1 from the ray_dag.py example above). I know I can create a second instance of it and serve it separately, but can I ping this instance that was already instantiated within the DAG?
The reason I ask is because I’m planning on creating a DAG composed of several ML models (one model per node) for inference. In 99% of cases, I’ll need to run the data through all the nodes. But there will be a few cases where I only need to run the data past a single node and I don’t want to have to create a separate instance of the model (because it’s pretty large).
How can I achieve this? Is it possible to define some sort of routine that only pings the individual node?