Is any multi discrete action example for PPO or other algorithms?

I cannot find multi discrete action example. May someone point out this for me? Thanks in advance.


How about this one?

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@mannyv Thanks. I will try it.


The more general answer is if you have an environment that defines a multidiscrete space there is not really anything special you have to do. Rllib will support it automatically. This assumes the algorithm you choose is also compatible with it. For example, PPO is but DQN is not.

Welcome to the forum by the way. I forgot to include that in my first response.

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When running, I got the unknown config parameter below. Should I configure other things?

Exception: Unknown config parameter _disable_action_flattening
(pid=24784) 2022-01-18 12:32:40,954 ERROR – Exception raised in creation task: The actor died because of an error raised in its creation task, ray::PPO.init() (pid=24784, ip=
(pid=24784) File “/home/james/anaconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ray/rllib/agents/”, line 136, in init
(pid=24784) Trainer.init(self, config, env, logger_creator)
(pid=24784) File “/home/james/anaconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ray/rllib/agents/”, line 592, in init
(pid=24784) super().init(config, logger_creator)
(pid=24784) File “/home/james/anaconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ray/tune/”, line 105, in init
(pid=24784) self.setup(copy.deepcopy(self.config))
(pid=24784) File “/home/james/anaconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ray/rllib/agents/”, line 146, in setup
(pid=24784) super().setup(config)
(pid=24784) File “/home/james/anaconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ray/rllib/agents/”, line 700, in setup
(pid=24784) self.config = self.merge_trainer_configs(self._default_config, config,
(pid=24784) File “/home/james/anaconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ray/rllib/agents/”, line 1344, in merge_trainer_configs
(pid=24784) return deep_update(config1, config2, _allow_unknown_configs,
(pid=24784) File “/home/james/anaconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ray/tune/utils/”, line 264, in deep_update
(pid=24784) raise Exception("Unknown config parameter {} ".format(k))
(pid=24784) Exception: Unknown config parameter _disable_action_flattening

I think an example of a custom model using a MultiDiscrete action space would be useful. It’s not apparent from the current examples how to translate typical Box logits into MultiDiscrete. For example, here is my own in-progress action masking class (based on the rllib example).

from typing import Any
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from gym.spaces import Dict, Space
from gym.spaces.utils import flatten_space
from numpy import argmax, int64, ndarray, stack, zeros
from ray.rllib.models.torch.fcnet import FullyConnectedNetwork as TorchFC
from ray.rllib.models.torch.torch_modelv2 import TorchModelV2
from ray.rllib.utils.torch_utils import FLOAT_MIN
from torch import Tensor, tensor

class MyActionMaskModel(TorchModelV2, nn.Module):
    """Model that handles simple discrete action masking.

    Include all regular model configuration parameters (fcnet_hiddens,
    fcnet_activation, etc.) in model_config.

    def __init__(
        obs_space: Space,
        action_space: Space,
        num_outputs: int,
        model_config: dict,
        name: str,
        """Initialize action masking model.

            obs_space (`Space`): A gym space.
            action_space (`Space`): A gym space.
            num_outputs (`int`): Number of outputs of neural net.
            model_config (`dict`): Model configuration. Required inputs are:
                    "fcnet_hiddens" (`list[int]`): Fully connected hidden layers.
            name (`str`): Name of model.
        # Check that the observation space is a dict that contains "action_mask"
        # and "observations" as keys.
        orig_space = getattr(obs_space, "original_space", obs_space)
        assert isinstance(orig_space, Dict)
        assert "action_mask" in orig_space.spaces
        assert "observations" in orig_space.spaces

        # Get number of actions each agent can make (assumes all agents can make)
        # the same number of actions). Then calculate number of outputs from hidden
        # layers of NN. The number of outputs from the NN is the size of the flattened
        # MultiDiscrete action space.
        # Examples:
        #   - If the MultiDiscrete space is [2, 2], then num_inputs = 4.
        #   - If the MultiDiscrete space is [3, 3, 3], then num_inputs = 9.
        self.num_actions = action_space.nvec[0]
        action_space_flat = flatten_space(action_space)
        # This overwrites the input value num_outputs
        num_outputs = action_space_flat.shape[0]

        # Boilerplate Torch stuff.

        # Build feed-forward layers
        self.internal_model = TorchFC(
            name + "_internal",

        last_layer_size = model_config["fcnet_hiddens"][-1]
        self.action_head = nn.Linear(last_layer_size, num_outputs)
        self.value_head = nn.Linear(last_layer_size, 1)

        self.no_masking = False

    def forward(
        input_dict: dict[dict],
        state: Any,
        seq_lens: Any,
    ) -> [Tensor, Any]:
        """Forward propagate observations through the model.

        Takes a `dict` as an argument with the only key being "obs", which is either
        a sample from the observation space or a list of samples from the observation

        Can input either a single observation or multiple observations. If using
        a single observation, the input is a dict[dict[dict]]]. If using
        multiple observations, the input is a dict[dict[list_of_dicts]].

            input_dict (`dict`[`dict`]):
                    "obs": {
                        "action_mask": `ndarray` | `Tensor`,
                        "observations": `ndarray` | `Tensor`,
                    "obs": list[
                        "action_mask": `ndarray`,
                        "observations": `ndarray`
            state (`Any`): _description_
            seq_lens (`Any`): _description_

            out (`Tensor`): Log(SoftMax()) of action probabilities.
            state (`Any`): _description_
        # Extract the action mask and observations from the input dict and convert
        # to tensor, if necessary. Stack action masks and observations into larger
        # tensor if multiple obs are passed in. The action mask and observation
        # are different sizes depending on if multiple or single observations are
        # passed in.
        if type(input_dict["obs"]) is list:
            # For multiple observations
            # action_mask is a [num_observations, len_mask] tensor
            # observation is a [num_observations, len_obs] tensor
            array_of_masks = stack(
                [a["action_mask"] for a in input_dict["obs"]], axis=0
            action_mask = tensor(array_of_masks)
            array_of_obs = stack(
                [a["observations"] for a in input_dict["obs"]], axis=0
            observation = tensor(array_of_obs).float()
        elif type(input_dict["obs"]["action_mask"]) is ndarray:
            # For single observations in numpy dtype
            # action_mask is a [len_mask] tensor
            # observation is a [len_obs] tensor
            action_mask = tensor(input_dict["obs"]["action_mask"])
            observation = tensor(input_dict["obs"]["observations"]).float()
        elif type(input_dict["obs"]["action_mask"]) is Tensor:
            # For single observations in Tensor dtype
            action_mask = input_dict["obs"]["action_mask"]
            observation = input_dict["obs"]["observations"]

        # Compute the unmasked logits.
        self.internal_model._features = (
        # print(
        #     f"internal_model._features.size() = {self.internal_model._features.size()}"
        # )
        actions = self.action_head(self.internal_model._features)

        # If action masking is disabled, skip masking and return unmasked actions.
        # Otherwise, step into masking block.
        if self.no_masking is False:
            # Convert action_mask into a [0.0 || -inf]-type mask.
            inf_mask = torch.clamp(torch.log(action_mask), min=FLOAT_MIN)
            # print(f"actions.size() = {actions.size()}")
            # print(f"inf_mask.size() = {inf_mask.size()}")
            masked_actions = actions + inf_mask
            actions = masked_actions

        # # Normalize outputs
        out = nn.functional.log_softmax(actions, dim=-1)

        return out, state

    def value_function(self) -> Tensor:
        """Get current value of value function.

            `Tensor[torch.float32]`: Value function value.
        # get features and squeeze extra dimensions out.
        y = self.value_head(self.internal_model._features)
        y = y.squeeze(-1)
        return y

And here is a short test with a random environment with a MultiDiscreteaction space.

from ray.rllib.examples.env.random_env import RandomEnv
from gym.spaces import Box, Dict, MultiDiscrete
from numpy import int64
from torch import tensor
import MyActionModel

rand_env = RandomEnv(
        "observation_space": Dict(
                "observations": Box(-1.0, 1.0, shape=(2,)),
                "action_mask": Box(
                    shape=(3 * 3,),
        "action_space": MultiDiscrete([3, 3, 3]),

rand_model = MyActionMaskModel(
    model_config={"fcnet_hiddens": [10, 5]},
    num_outputs=3 * 3,

obs_sample = rand_env.observation_space.sample()
obs_sample["observations"] = tensor(obs_sample["observations"])
obs_sample["action_mask"] = tensor(obs_sample["action_mask"])
obs_sample = {"obs": obs_sample}
print(f"action_mask = {obs_sample['obs']['action_mask']}")
# prints action_mask = tensor([1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0])

[md_actions, _] = rand_model.forward(obs_sample, None, None)
print(f"rand model actions = {md_actions}")
# prints rand model actions = tensor([-2.3527e+00, -1.7116e+00, -3.4000e+38, #-3.4000e+38, -1.8138e+00,
#      -2.3707e+00, -1.4054e+00, -1.5024e+00, -3.4000e+38],
#       grad_fn=<LogSoftmaxBackward0>)
    f"Calculated actions in action_space? {rand_env.action_space.contains(md_actions)}"
# prints Calculated actions in action_space? False

Even though the action_space in both the environment and model is set to MultiDiscrete, the output of model.forward() is not in action_space (as can be seen by the last line in the test). An example to walk through how to handle MultiDiscrete action spaces would be extremely helpful.

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Hi @dylan906,

For the most part you code is correct.

Did you check the num_outputs that is passed into init? I would expect that to be the correct value and that you would not need to recalculate it your self.

In your implementation of forward you do not need and you do not want to have that log_softmax at the end there?

You don’t need it because that will be handled for you by the action distribution. I will come back to that. You don’t want it, or at least you don’t want to do it like you did here because you are representing three seperate Discrete variables but you are normalizeing it as if you had one Discrete variable of size 9. If you did it this way you should compute 3 log_softmax over [0,3], [3,6],[6,9]. But again don’t actually do it like that.

The conceptual issue you have is that the models forward method is not returning actions. It is returning logits for the actions. These logits are used by rllib to construct an action distribution and that distribution is sampled to obtain the actions. This is why you do not want to return the log_softmax of the last layer. Rllib will compute that in the action distribution object.

It will use this one in particular:

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@mannyv thank you for the explanation, this had be going back and reading portions of the docs I had not read before. I had not understood the difference between actions and logits, but now I’m at least a bit more informed.

I removed the log_softmax() from my forward() method, as well as renamed actionslogits for clarity.

logits = self.action_head(self.internal_model._features)

        # If action masking is disabled, skip masking and return unmasked logits.
        # Otherwise, step into masking block.
        if self.no_masking is False:
            # Convert action_mask into a [0.0 || -inf]-type mask.
            inf_mask = torch.clamp(torch.log(action_mask), min=FLOAT_MIN)
            # print(f"logits.size() = {logits.size()}")
            # print(f"inf_mask.size() = {inf_mask.size()}")
            masked_logits = logits + inf_mask
            logits = masked_logits

        return logits, state

To answer your question, I recalculate num_outputs in MyActionMaskModel.__init__() because 1) the number of outputs is fully dependent on action_space and 2) to prevent the user from passing in a num_outputs that conflicts with action_space. If I could remove num_outputs from the arguments of __init__() I would, but I tried that and it appears to be required by the base class. My design choice here assumes that num_outputs is the length of the flattened MultiDiscrete action space (which is a 1d Box space). If you think this assumption is incorrect, I’d love to hear it.

One followup question: It looks like TorchMultiCategorical is the appropriate action distribution for my use case, and that the model will automatically choose it because the model’s action space is MultiDiscrete. All great. But how can I look at the action distribution values while testing? From what I can see, the action distribution object is not part of the model; but rather part of the Policy class. How can I follow an observation from entry in the model, to the logits from forward(), to the action distribution and action selection?

Hi @dylan906,

In the usual case the model is instantiated internally by rllib during policy construction. In most cases the num_outputs will be determined by the action space. But there are some cases when that is not the case. For example with DQN, and if you have an auto wrapped model for lstm or attention.

The usual approach for your second question is to instantiate the rl policy type of interest and use its compute_actions method.

@mannyv , thanks for the feedback. I’ve removed the bit in my class that overrides num_outputs. I was able to get what I needed via compute_actions after you pointed me to it. Thanks!