I have been trying to integrate Ray C++ with a Rust based AI platform.
But so far it appears that it doesn’t work. We are stuck in remote function execution.
E.g. the Ray C++ example is built with the following bazel rules:
name = "libcray.so",
srcs = glob([
linkopts = ["-shared"],
linkstatic = True,
#linkshared = True,
deps = [
name = "cray",
srcs = [
linkstatic = True,
hdrs = glob([
linkopts = ["-Wl,-rpath,./"],
strip_include_prefix = "",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
name = "test1",
srcs = glob([
data = [
linkstatic = True,
deps = [
":ray_api", ":cray",
name = "test1.so",
srcs = glob([
linkopts = ["-shared"],
linkstatic = True,
deps = [
":ray_api", ":cray",
name = "ray_api",
srcs = [
hdrs = glob([
linkopts = ["-Wl,-rpath,./"],
strip_include_prefix = "thirdparty/include",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
And the bazel rule I tried for Rust binary is:
load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_binary", "rust_shared_library")
name = "librs_test2",
# Specifies the source file for the binary.
srcs = ["rs_test2/src/main.rs"],
# Specifies dependencies for the binary.
deps = [
# Depend on the `substring_library` target, which is the crate you created.
":ray_api", ":cray",
rustc_flags = ["-C", "link-args=-fPIC", "-C", "link-args=-Wl,-Bstatic", "-C", "link-args=-shared"],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
# Declares a Rust binary target with the given name.
name = "rs_test2",
# Specifies the source file for the binary.
srcs = ["rs_test2/src/main.rs"],
data= [
# Specifies dependencies for the binary.
deps = [
":ray_api", ":cray",
rustc_flags = ["-C", "link-args=-fPIC", "-C", "link-args=-Wl,-Bstatic"],
And we are still stuck with the following errors for rust binary:
[2024-08-20 19:45:50,390 I 55265 55265] function_helper.cc:28: Start loading the library "/home/manojd/.cache/bazel/_bazel_manojd/4fca974a36935e11457502024ffdf8bf/execroot/_main/bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/liblibrs_test2.so".
[2024-08-20 19:45:50,406 I 55265 55265] function_helper.cc:72: The library "/home/manojd/.cache/bazel/_bazel_manojd/4fca974a36935e11457502024ffdf8bf/execroot/_main/bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/liblibrs_test2.so" isn't integrated with Ray, skip it.
[2024-08-20 19:45:50,414 E 55265 55265] task_executor.cc:111: An exception was thrown while executing function(bos_add_nums): ray::internal::RayFunctionNotFound: Executable function not found, the function name bos_add_nums
Though the remote function bos_add_nums() is there in the rust library & binary both:
(.env) manojd@ubuntusrv44:/data/chiral/test/ray-template/bazel-bin$ nm liblibrs_test2.so |grep bos_add_nums
0000000000007130 T bos_add_nums
(.env) manojd@ubuntusrv44:/data/chiral/test/ray-template/bazel-bin$ nm rs_test2 |grep bos_add_nums
0000000000019800 T bos_add_nums
That means Ray runtime is not able to recognizance the Rust symbols at all.
Is there any possibility of having break through on this?
Best regards,
- High: It blocks me to complete my task.