Implementing _forward() Method in PPO Custom Multi-Agent Shared Policy

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I’ve recently started working with RLlib after moving from Stable Baselines 3 (SB3) because of its great multi-agent support and customizability. I’m implementing a custom multi-agent environment, and I’m running into issues when applying my own customized policy.

Environment Setup My environment follows a multi-agent dict format, and I define my action and observation spaces as follows:

single_agent_action_space = Box(low=-2, high=2, shape=(2,), dtype=np.float32)
single_agent_obs_space = Dict({
    "current_pos": Box(low=-100, high=100, (2,), dtype=np.float32),
    "target": Box(-100, high=100, (2,), dtype=np.float32),

# Multi-agent version
self.observation_space = Dict({
    str(agent_id): single_agent_obs_space
    for agent_id in self.possible_agents
self.action_space = Dict({
    str(agent_id): single_agent_action_space
    for agent_id in self.possible_agents

Everything works fine when I use RLlib’s default PPO algorithm.

Problem: Custom Policy & Expected Output Format I’m implementing a custom policy, and I extract the observations like this:

obs_dict = batch[Columns.OBS]

After performing feature extraction, I pass them through my policy_net and value_net, and return:

return {
    Columns.ACTION_DIST_INPUTS: action_dist_inputs,
    Columns.VF_PREDS: vf_preds

I’ve tried two different approaches, but both lead to errors:

  1. Returning as a Dictionary ({agent_id: tensor})
# Returns a dictionary with agent-specific action logits
action_dist_inputs = {agent_id: actions_logits[i] for i, agent_id in enumerate(obs_dict.keys())}
vf_preds = {agent_id: value_preds[i] for i, agent_id in enumerate(obs_dict.keys())}


AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'chunk'
  1. Returning as a Tensor (torch.stack(list(agent_dict.values())))
# Stack agent tensors into a single tensor
action_dist_inputs = torch.stack(list(actions_logits.values()))
vf_preds = torch.stack(list(value_preds.values()))


ValueError: The two structures don't have the same nested structure.
First structure: type=ndarray str=[-0.849055   0.6490481]
Second structure: type=dict str={'0': Box(-2.0, 2.0, (2,), float32), '65537': Box(-2.0, 2.0, (2,), float32)}

Question What is RLlib’s expected output format for _forward() in a custom multi-agent policy? How should I properly structure the action distribution inputs for multiple agents? How does RLlib handle multiple agents’ outputs inside _forward_exploration() and _forward_inference() ?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! @sven1977 @

I fixed this issue by adding " AlgorithmConfig.multi_agent" to my config.