How to store env info as a SampleBatch?

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Hi all, I would like to store my single agent env info into my hard drive while training the agent. In Ray 1.x I managed to do that, however, in Ray2.x I could not. I of course adapted my code to be compatible with Ray2.x, but still I cannot store the info. Indeed, the info dict is always saved as an empty dict as you see in the following image:

And strangely the type of output data is MultiAgentBatch (as you see in the following image), while my custom env is single agent.

I wonder if anyone knows how to store the data as a SampleBatch not as MultiAgentBatch. Also, why my info is stored as an empty dict?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi @arturn, would you please look into this? :slight_smile:

I also have a minimal runnable scrip in case needed:

# %% Imports
import os

import gymnasium as gym
import numpy as np
from abc import ABC

import torch
from torch import nn

from ray import tune, air

from ray.rllib.algorithms.algorithm import Algorithm
from ray.tune.registry import get_trainable_cls

from ray.tune.logger import pretty_print

from ray.rllib.utils import check_env

# %% Env class
class SimpleEnv(gym.Env):
    def __init__(self, env_config={'env_name': 'simple_env'}):
        self.env_name = env_config['env_name']
        self.n_actions = 3
        self.n_states = 5
        self.action_space = gym.spaces.Discrete(self.n_actions)
        self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(0.0, 1.0, shape=(self.n_states,), dtype=float)

    def reset(self, *, seed=None, options=None):
        observation = np.random.rand(1, self.n_states)[0]
        self.timestep = 0
        return observation, {}

    def _update_obs(self, action):
        observation = np.random.rand(1, self.n_states)[0]
        return observation
    def _execute_action(self, action):
        next_observation = self._update_obs(action)
        done = False if self.timestep <=3 else True
        reward = 1 if done else 0
        return next_observation, reward, done

    def _get_info(self):
        random_info_dict = {'random_info': 1} #np.random.randn()
        info = {'agent_1': random_info_dict}
        return info
    def step(self, action):
        self.timestep += 1
        observation, reward, done = self._execute_action(action)
        truncated = done
        info = self._get_info() if done else {}
        return observation, reward, done, truncated, info     

    def seed(self, seed: int = None):
        self.np_random, seed = gym.utils.seeding.np_random(seed)
        return [seed]
# %% Main
if __name__ == "__main__":
    env_name = 'simple_env'
    agent_name = 'DQN' # alpha_zero
    learner_name = 'trainer' # trainer tunner  random
    num_iters = 1
    num_rollout_workers = 1
    env_config = {'env_name': env_name}

    save_env_data_flag = True
    save_agent_flag = True
    load_agent_flag = False
    tmp_current_dir = os.getcwd()
    tmp_storage = os.path.join(tmp_current_dir, 'storage')
    tmp_env_data_dir = os.path.join(tmp_storage, 'env_dict')
    tmp_model_dir = os.path.join(tmp_storage, 'model')
    if learner_name == 'random':
        env = SimpleEnv(env_config=env_config)
        obs, _ = env.reset()
        while True:
            action = env.action_space.sample()
            obs, rew, done, truncated, info = env.step(action)
            if done:
                print(f'info: {info}')
        algo_cls = get_trainable_cls(agent_name)
        param_space = (
                .environment(SimpleEnv, env_config=env_config)
                .training(model={"fcnet_hiddens": [64, 64]})
        if save_env_data_flag:
            param_space.output = tmp_env_data_dir
            param_space.output_max_file_size = 5000000
        if learner_name == 'trainer':
            algo =
            algo.output = tmp_env_data_dir 
            # if load_agent_flag:
            #     self.algo.restore(self.agent_config['chkpt_path_'])
                # print("In trainer: The model loaded!")
            # checkpoint_dir = ''
            for n in range(num_iters):
                print(f"---------- in trainer: episode: {n}")
                result = algo.train()
                # checkpoint_dir =
                # print("In trainer: The checkpoints saved!")
        elif learner_name == 'tunner':
            stop = {"training_iteration": num_iters}
            run_config = air.RunConfig(
            tuner = tune.Tuner(

            # if load_agent_flag:
            #     tuner.restore(self.agent_config['chkpt_path'])
            results =

            checkpoint_dir = results.get_best_result(
            print(f"checkpoint_dir: {checkpoint_dir}")


I wonder if anyone knows how to store the data as a SampleBatch not as MultiAgentBatch.

Nowadays, even single-agent data is put into multi-agent batches to unify how data can be passed around. Before, there had been many parts of RLlib that needed to distinguish between single- and multi-agent-case. Now batches are generally treated as multi-agent.

Indeed, the info dict is always saved as an empty dict as you see in the following image:

I followed the trace for the script you posted and could observe the info dict that you describe traveling through RLlib. It’s just that in most cases, the environment does not return the filled info dict but an empty on. You can even see this in your screenshot:

Hi @arturn, many thanks for your reply.

The infos dictionary shown in the screenshot is empty like this: {"agent0": {}}. That is indeed my question. Why is it empty? Would you please run the script I posted earlier? You will see that the stored JSON file contains an infos dictionary that does not include random_info_dict.

Hi, @arturn,

I think I found what the issue is.

The issue is neither related to my custom env, nor to the way I use Rllib.

The issue is that the or maybe other related methods, do not save the info data when done=True. For some reason, the info is saved only when done=False.

As you see in my custom env, my info is non-empty only when done=True, and for the rest of the timesteps my info is empty. That’s why in my saved JSON file, the infos dictionary does not include random_info dict as defined in my custom env.

So, now the issue is why json_writer does not save the info when done=True?

Could you please help to solve this, as I have been busy with this for a few weeks?

Many thanks in advance!

Thanks for digging more. I’ve created an issue and hope I can hop onto this soon.

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Hi @deepgravity, in Ray 2.5 we’ve temporarily disabled outputting info in the writers due to incompatiblity issues with TensorFlow-could you try downgrading to 2.3 or 2.4? We’ll try and fix this in the meanwhile

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Hi @Rohan138 ,
thank you for your reply.

As I already modified my code with the new Ray, I don’t want to downgrade. However, I implemented a callback to store the episode info. Here is the code for those interested:

import os
import json
from typing import Dict

from ray.rllib.algorithms.callbacks import DefaultCallbacks
from ray.rllib.env import BaseEnv
from ray.rllib.evaluation import Episode, RolloutWorker
from ray.rllib.policy import Policy

class EnvInfoCallback(DefaultCallbacks):
    def on_episode_end(
        worker: RolloutWorker,
        base_env: BaseEnv,
        policies: Dict[str, Policy],
        episode: Episode,
        env_index: int,
        if worker.env.done:
            info_dir = worker.config['env_data_dir'] # a local dir 
            info_path = os.path.join(info_dir, "env_info.json")
            with open(info_path, 'w') as f:
                json.dump(, f, indent=2)

Then passing the callback to the param_spcae:

param_space.callbacks_class = EnvInfoCallback