How severe does this issue affect your experience of using Ray?
- Medium: It contributes to significant difficulty to complete my task, but I can work around it.
Hi, I’m wondering if there is way to reserve cpu resource for the proxyactor when deploying serve applications using kuberay. Currently the situation is, for example, I assigned 1 cpu for each serve replica, and a worker node have 2 cpus, which corresponds to 2 serve replicas. From the dashboard I noticed that the cpu util of each serve replica is around 50% and the proxyactor takes the other 100% cpu util. However, I want to increase the cpu util of serve replica to maximize the model’s performance.
If I assign more cpus to the pod, then additional replicas will be scheduled on this node. If I assign 2 cpus to each replica and 5 cpus to the pod, the model can’t fully utilize the 2 cpus, so either way is not a good solution.