Hi, I’ve been able to follow the Kubernetes deployment guide and I’ve read through the advanced configuration. I’m able to start up the default example ray cluster using
$ cd ray/deploy/charts
$ helm -n ray install example-cluster --create-namespace ./ray
And this deploys the example-cluster in the ray pod.
The problem I am having is I can’t seem to deploy it in my personal namespace. I get the following when I try changing the namespace in the helm command:
$ helm -n jmusiel install example-cluster ./ray
Error: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists. Unable to continue with install: ServiceAccount "ray-operator-serviceaccount" in namespace "default" exists and cannot be imported into the current release: invalid ownership metadata; annotation validation error: key "meta.helm.sh/release-namespace" must equal "jmusiel": current value is "ray"
I also would like to be able to change the CPU and memory allocations to my workers, as well as the number of workers and (ideally) use a custom image for those workers. But it’s not clear how to do any of these things. What do I need to change to launch a ray cluster with these customizations?