Getting stuck by launching Ray cluster on GCP

I am getting stuck while creating Ray cluster. Any suggestions?
Please see the console output.

<1/1> Setting up head node
Prepared bootstrap config
2024-07-23 18:09:43,823 INFO – wait_for_compute_zone_operation: Waiting for operation operation-1721758183483-61dee10ea66a3-d7c682fd-f908f898 to finish…
2024-07-23 18:09:50,595 INFO – wait_for_compute_zone_operation: Operation operation-1721758183483-61dee10ea66a3-d7c682fd-f908f898 finished.
New status: waiting-for-ssh
[1/7] Waiting for SSH to become available
Running uptime as a test.
Waiting for IP
Not yet available, retrying in 5 seconds
Not yet available, retrying in 5 seconds
Not yet available, retrying in 5 seconds
Not yet available, retrying in 5 seconds

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What Cloud are you trying to spin up on?