Getting Advice on Distributed Computing Frameworks

Hello to all,

For a project I’m working on, I’m currently researching distributed computing frameworks, and I would want to get some feedback from the Ray Discuss community.

I would especially like to know about your experiences with different frameworks, such as Dask, Ray, Spark, tableau, and others.

Large dataset processing and intricate computations must be carried out in a distributed setting for my project to be completed. I want to make sure that the framework I select is capable of handling tasks like fault tolerance, scalability, and parallel processing in an effective manner.

I would be very grateful for any guidance or suggestions you could provide if you have used any of these frameworks or others for comparable uses. I’m interested in the performance, usability, and any difficulties you had with implementation in particular.

Thank you :pray: in advance for your assistance. I can’t wait to take in your wisdom and use it to help me decide on my project.