How severe does this issue affect your experience of using Ray?
High: It blocks me to complete my task.
This is a bug report (I think?)
This line: data/ at 4ea88d1fb4d279def9213a23b054b4e7d46d5b3d · pytorch/data · GitHub times out when using the TorchTrainer
This happens when using a data loader made out of torch data datapipes, with the fullsync
data pipe at the end.
Hey @Vedant_Roy , thanks for reporting this issue.
Could you provide us with a reproducible example so that we can debug this?
Sure thing, will do when I get a moment.
Edit : The bug happens intermittently, e.g, it won’t happen on the 1st run and then it will happen on the second run.
Here’s a reproduction (@bveeramani ) :
import ray
import ray.train.torch as ray_torch
import torchdata.datapipes.iter as pipes
from ray.air import ScalingConfig
from import DataLoader
def loader():
pipe = pipes.IterableWrapper(list(range(2000)))
pipe = pipe.batch(5)
pipe = pipe.fullsync()
return DataLoader(pipe, batch_size=None, num_workers=5)
def train_loop():
dl = loader()
x = next(iter(dl))
trainer = ray_torch.TorchTrainer(
scaling_config=ScalingConfig(num_workers=2, use_gpu=False),
Dockerfile: rayproject/ray:6f5f1e-py38-cu116
Note, the bug is flaky, so I would recommend starting a local cluster & running this script. If it succeeds, then run it again, and it should fail the second time.
Package Version Editable project location
-------------------------------------- ------------------------ -------------------------
adal 1.2.7
aiofiles 22.1.0
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botocore-stubs 1.28.5
brotlipy 0.7.0
cachetools 5.2.0
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cffi 1.15.1
charset-normalizer 2.0.4
click 8.0.4
cloudpickle 2.2.0
colorful 0.5.4
commonmark 0.9.1
conda 22.9.0
conda-package-handling 1.9.0
contourpy 1.0.5
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cycler 0.11.0
Cython 0.29.26
debugpy 1.5.1
decorator 5.1.1
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idna 3.4
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iso8601 1.1.0
isodate 0.6.1
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kiwisolver 1.4.4
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msgpack 1.0.4
msrest 0.7.1
msrestazure 0.6.4
multidict 6.0.2
mypy-boto3-cloudformation 1.25.4
mypy-boto3-dynamodb 1.25.0
mypy-boto3-ec2 1.25.5
mypy-boto3-lambda 1.25.0
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mypy-extensions 0.4.3
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Pillow-SIMD 9.0.0.post1
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Pygments 2.13.0
PyJWT 2.6.0
PyNaCl 1.5.0
pyOpenSSL 22.0.0
pyparsing 3.0.9
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PySocks 1.7.1
python-dateutil 2.8.2
python-dotenv 0.21.0
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PyYAML 6.0
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ruamel-yaml-conda 0.15.100
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torch 1.14.0.dev20221027+cu116
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December 20, 2022, 4:32am
Just closing the loop here, this seems to be an issue with Torch DataPipe.
See the full thread here: Allow passing in init_process_group kwargs to fullsync datapipe · Issue #868 · pytorch/data · GitHub