Empty action_dict coming from policy net

How severe does this issue affect your experience of using Ray?

  • Medium: It contributes to significant difficulty to complete my task, but I can work around it.

I am using Ray 2.2.0 in a multi-agent custom environment. After the reset method, the action dictionary coming from the policy network is empty.

I am leaving a working example below. It is a very simple environment trained with Tune and Air. I might be doing something wrong but don’t know where.

I have added a print statement on the environment to print out whether the action_dict is empty. As follows:

    def step(self, action_dict):
        self.t +=1
        if not action_dict:
           print("EMPTY ACTION DICT!!!")
           print('self.t =', self.t)

The code can be found here:

from ray/multi_agent_env.py at master · ray-project/ray · GitHub

  The preferred format for action- and observation space is a mapping from agent
  ids to their individual spaces. If that is not provided, the respective methods'
  observation_space_contains(), action_space_contains(),
  action_space_sample() and observation_space_sample() have to be overwritten.

In your example, you should rewrite the obs and action spaces to be Dict() or modify the methods listed above.

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Thank you @Rohan138, I can’t work with dictionaries because it makes no sense for my environment. So I’ll have to go with Tuples.

How do I implement the methods mentioned:

observation_space_contains(), action_space_contains(),
  action_space_sample() and observation_space_sample() 

Is there any example of how they should be set up?
