Hi all
I’m evaluating Ray Tune for use for hyperparameter optimization and trying to get it to work with a toy problem - finding the maximum score on a simple parabola: score=b-(a-5)^{2}
The optimal hyperparameters are a=5, b=10 but after 11 Trials, Tune terminates early, having found a=6.3, b=10. why this early convergence on not a particularly good result when I explicitly ask for 20 trials?
The entire code and results are here:
from ray import tune
import hyperopt as hp
from ray.tune.suggest.hyperopt import HyperOptSearch
from ray.tune.suggest.bayesopt import BayesOptSearch
def objective(x, a, b):
return b - ((a - 5) ** 2)
config = {
"a": tune.uniform(0, 10),
"b": tune.uniform(0, 10)
def trainable(config):
for x in range(20):
score = objective(x, config["a"], config["b"])
bayesopt = BayesOptSearch(metric="score", mode="max")
analysis = tune.run(
stop={"training_iteration": 20}
|Trial name |status |loc |a|b|iter|total time (s)|score|
|trainable_a17e3668|TERMINATED||3.7454 |9.50714|20|0.37529 |7.93312|
|trainable_a17e3669|TERMINATED||7.31994 |5.98658|20|0.356006|0.604466|
|trainable_a17e366a|TERMINATED||1.56019 |1.55995|20|0.350654|-10.2724|
|trainable_a17e366b|TERMINATED||0.580836|8.66176|20|0.19756 |-10.8672|
|trainable_a17e366c|TERMINATED||6.01115 |7.08073|20|0.304638|6.0583|
|trainable_a17e366d|TERMINATED||0.205845|9.6991 |20|0.27719 |-13.2848|
|trainable_a17e366e|TERMINATED||8.32443 |2.12339|20|0.262982|-8.92842|
|trainable_a17e366f|TERMINATED||1.81825 |1.83405|20|0.25714 |-8.28949|
|trainable_a17e3670|TERMINATED||3.04242 |5.24756|20|0.371475|1.41545|
|trainable_a17e3671|TERMINATED||4.31945 |2.91229|20|0.185346|2.44914|
|trainable_a17e373a|TERMINATED||6.31056 |10 |20|0.500303|8.28244|