ValueError: The two structures don't have the same nested structure.
First structure: type=tuple str=(0,)
Second structure: type=tuple str=(Discrete(3), Discrete(3))
More specifically: The two structures don't have the same number of elements. First structure: type=tuple str=(0,). Second structure: type=tuple str=(Discrete(3), Discrete(3))
Entire first structure:
Entire second structure:
(., .)
Sorry this isn’t an reproducible script, I would like to confirm whether QMIX algorithm work with more than 1 discrete action. If so, is there an example of it? the two_step_game example uses 1 discrete action
ValueError: QMix requires a discrete action space, got MultiDiscrete([3 5])
Also tried removing the tuple:
ACTION_SPACE = gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete([3, 5])
then got
ValueError: Action space must be a Tuple, got MultiDiscrete([3 5]). Use MultiAgentEnv.with_agent_groups() to group related agents for QMix.
Note I don’t think the “Use MultiAgentEnv.with_agent_groups() to group related agents for QMix.” part is related to the problem as i did grouping. This part of error message isn’t accurate
How many agents are in your environment? QMIX is expecting a Tuple space with one entry per agent. I am not 100% positive but looking at this I think it will only accept Discrete action spaces for each agent.
If QMIX accepts two discrete action spaces for each agent, it would work(both action can be homogeneous as well). This is also what I think QMIX’s doc says it can do. But currently it looks like QMIX only accepts 1 discrete action per agent.
This will almost certainly hurt performance but if your action space is small you could define your action space as Discrete with d1*d2 actions then map them to (0,0), (0,1),…(0,m),(1,0),…(n,m)