Docker minimal container

Is there any additional guide for custom Ray Container and minimal library requirements? This is for a kubernetes environment.

For a little bit of context, in a corporate environment I have to build a custom Ray container, I can’t use rayproject/ray images. On top of that I have to build using our internal rhel image as base and its RPMs (or make the adequate software request to embed into the container).

So, my question is, is there a list for the absolute minimal system packages required to a ray[all] installation in container to work? (Or ray[subsets])

Fortunately the python packages are easier to work, so not worried about them, only had to get rid of Anaconda. (but knowing which ones I don’t need is also handy)

So far I have based myself on this ray’s github dockerfile.

In summary, of these libraries, which are absolute necessary or which functionality I’d be giving up not installing any of them?

    tzdata \
    git \
    libjemalloc-dev \
    wget \
    cmake \
    g++ \ 
    zlib1g-dev \
    $(if [ "$AUTOSCALER" = "autoscaler" ]; then echo \
    tmux \
    screen \
    rsync \
    netbase \
    openssh-client \

I had some testing which I could remove some of them, but not really confident. Might just be a functionality that I am yet to use.