How severe does this issue affect your experience of using Ray?
Medium: It contributes to significant difficulty to complete my task, but I can work around it.
I tried running with sys.exit in it, and it looks like the tasks are retried forever. Is there a way to limit such retries? This is not a true system failure, so if these can be considered as application failures that counts towards the max retry, that would work too.
Minimal example:
import sys
import ray x: sys.exit(0))
This never ends.
The example is artificial, but some libraries may have a bug in non-python code and fail without raising an exception. Ray shouldn’t keep retrying in that case.
This raises ray.exceptions.WorkerCrashedError: The worker died unexpectedly while executing this task. Check python-core-worker-*.log files for more information. after a few retries. I would expect something similar for a ray dataset.
In case anyone stumbled upon this, I found a workaround to wrap a function as a class to make it an actor, and check num_restarts of the actor state. The following ends after 5 retries. This was inspired by was_current_actor_reconstructed implementation.
import sys
import ray
import ray.util.state
class Actor():
def __init__(self):
runtime_context = ray.runtime_context.get_runtime_context()
actors = ray.util.state.list_actors(detail=True, filters=[('actor_id', '=', runtime_context.actor_id.hex())])
if actors and actors[0]['num_restarts'] > 5:
raise ValueError('Too many restarts')
def __call__(self, x):
def main():
print(, concurrency=1).take_all())
if __name__ == '__main__':