DAG upstream dependency tracking incorrect

  • Medium: It contributes to significant difficulty to complete my task, but I can work around it.

Hi Ray Serve community,
first of all, I think ray and serve are super cool.

But I happened to run into an issue with DAG deps tracking (if I haven’t overseen anything, probably a bug), it’s documented here: [Serve] DAG upstream dependency tracking incorrect: leads to unintended execution of nodes. · Issue #31944 · ray-project/ray · GitHub

I haven’t gotten any response in two weeks and hope to bump this up via this channel. Maybe I overlooked something and it can be made working out of the box. If not, maybe it’s actually a quick fix for the person familiar with it, or maybe you’re able to triage the bug report and set some expectations.


Thanks for the bump and sorry for the delay, let’s track it in your issue: [Serve] DAG upstream dependency tracking incorrect: leads to unintended execution of nodes. · Issue #31944 · ray-project/ray · GitHub