I am looking to implement a custom model and loss function using the new API stack. Can someone guide me to a straightforward example of a custom MLP and LSTM model to get started?
I’m working on a project related to using RL to dynamic adjust learning rate during model training. I want to create a custom policy networks ( basically MLP and LSTM). While the old API has similar examples such as fcnet etc. I can’t find any similar examples for the new API. Could you assist with a simple example or a layout how the policy network should look like for the new api?
Thanks for asking me on that. However, due to other obligations I am currently operating more with the “old” API Stack. Starting point would be the updated sub-folder rllib/examples
in the ray git repository, and from there digging deep in the new API by reading the code docs and experimenting.
I’d love to hear about any updates/progress with this topic. there is interest…