Confused about Ray.init() in Java

Hi, I am newer in Ray. I have 2 problems which confuse me when I use java language.

  1. I looked into Ray.init() in java and finally looked into CoreWorkerProcess::Initialize(options), however I can’t find where to launch the raylet process. I only find it initialize the raylet client.
  2. Java api only support non-para function Ray.init(), the parameters have to pass into via -D like -Dray.address. How can I verify these system properties pass into successfully?

Thank anyone for responding me!

For Ray.init(), the cluster (including raylet) was started via command line, the final command is ray/ at 12b3b1f7238db655a8ab41530d3709e7e6cfbed8 · ray-project/ray · GitHub

For these configuration are read and parsed in as ray/ at 12b3b1f7238db655a8ab41530d3709e7e6cfbed8 · ray-project/ray · GitHub and I think you check them via RayConfig.create() to view the instance.

Thank you @Simon. Your response helps a lot.