Hi all! I have executed many training iterations with a PPO agent and now I want to export ONLY the underlying keras model that contains the trained neural network, so that I can eveluate its performance outside RLlib (only as a keras model with model.predict()) Is there any way to export only this part of the Tensorflow graph (maybe as a h5 file). I want to get something that later can be restored to a keras model with tf.keras.model.load_model('model.h5').
The problem by doing so was that the whole TF Graph was saved, and it contained many nodes that were useless for my purpose… What I wanted to export was only the part of the graph containing the keras model, in order to be able to load it later with tf.keras.models.load_model('model.h5').
I tried to achieve this by doing:
agent = ppo.PPOTrainer(config, env='Pong-v0')
with agent.get_policy().get_session().graph.as_default():
export_model = agent.get_policy().model.base_model.save('model.h5')
but the weights saved seemed to be different form those that the model have (and that were accesible via agent.get_policy().get_weights() function).
the .get_policy() method always returns None, and when I call export_model(), It gave me AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘export_model’. Can you help me?