AttributeError: 'Worker' object has no attribute 'core_worker'

Hello Ray Team,

In a static cluster mode (1 head + 2 workers), Ray Dataset.split with locality_hints throws the following error

 shards = ray_dataset.split(num_shards, locality_hints=self.data_load_workers)
  File "/Users/muru/projects/opensrc/venv37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/data/", line 712, in split
    block_refs_by_node_id = build_block_refs_by_node_id(block_refs)
  File "/Users/muru/projects/opensrc/venv37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/data/", line 689, in build_block_refs_by_node_id
    block_ref_locations = ray.experimental.get_object_locations(blocks)
  File "/Users/muru/projects/opensrc/venv37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ray/experimental/", line 36, in get_object_locations
    return ray.worker.global_worker.core_worker.get_object_locations(
AttributeError: 'Worker' object has no attribute 'core_worker'

More information: It works standalone local mode. Please, let me know is it known issue? Otherwise I create an issue. In the meantime, how to fix this issue? Thanks.

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