I am getting this error after the tuning is done.
AttributeError: Can’t get attribute ‘Checkpoint’ on <module ‘ray.tune.checkpoint_manager’ from ‘/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/ray/tune/checkpoint_manager.py’>
I mention that I use SyncConfig to store the result on S3 and as version I am using ray==1.13.0.
I have not found any solution for this.
ray 1.13.0 is really really old.
I don’t know if we can reproduce this problem since all the dependencies are vastly different now.
do you get this error when calling best_checkpoints
elif queue_item.priority >= self._best_checkpoints[0].priority:
worst = heapq.heappushpop(self._best_checkpoints, queue_item).value
if worst in self._membership:
# Don't delete the newest checkpoint. It will be deleted on the
# next on_checkpoint() call since it isn't in self._membership.
if worst.value != checkpoint.value:
def best_checkpoints(self):
"""Returns best PERSISTENT checkpoints, sorted by score."""
checkpoints = sorted(self._best_checkpoints, key=lambda c: c.priority)
return [queue_item.value for queue_item in checkpoints]
def _priority(self, checkpoint):
result = flatten_dict(checkpoint.result)
priority = result[self._checkpoint_score_attr]
if self._checkpoint_score_desc:
priority = -priority
return (