Algorithm.restore_from_dir and index out of range error

Here is the issue that occurs for search algorithm: HEBOSearch, AxSearch, BayesSearch, BayesOptSearch. However HyerOptSearch runs without any issues.

(1). finish the 1st time run.
(2). continue tuning on top of the 1st finished  run using

Step (1) can finish successfully. Step(2) has the following errors:

 File ~/local_pkgs/anaconda3/envs/brian2/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ray/tune/execution/, in _InsufficientResourcesManager.on_no_available_trials(self, all_trials)
     157     return
     159 # Otherwise, can fulfill none
     160 msg = _get_insufficient_resources_warning_msg(
 --> 161     for_train=self._for_train, trial=all_trials[0]
     162 )
     163 logger.warning(msg)
     164 self._no_running_trials_since = time.monotonic()

 IndexError: list index out of range

It seems the algorithm runs out of trials, but this error doesn’t happen to HyperOptSearch. Any hints would be appreciated. The following is the complete error messages:

 ---- ASHAScheduler is used as the scheduler
 --- using HEBOSearch ---
 --- previous run exist, continue the tuning ----
  ... contine tuning with more samples .....
 │ Configuration for experiment     brian2                  │
 │ Search algorithm                 SearchGenerator         │
 │ Scheduler                        AsyncHyperBandScheduler │
 │ Number of trials                 100                     │

 View detailed results here: /scratch/bell/wxie/1_hlayer/ray_log/brian2
 To visualize your results with TensorBoard, run: `tensorboard --logdir /scratch/bell/wxie/1_hlayer/ray_log/brian2`

 Trial status:
 Current time: 2023-08-06 09:10:32. Total running time: 10min 0s
 Logical resource usage: 0/300 CPUs, 0/0 GPUs
 │ Trial name     status   │
 Trial status:
 Current time: 2023-08-06 09:20:33. Total running time: 20min 1s
 Logical resource usage: 0/300 CPUs, 0/0 GPUs
 │ Trial name     status   │

 IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
 File ~/Brian2/hyper_param_tune/
     199     print('---- ASHAScheduler is used as the scheduler')
     201 # run ray tune
 --> 202 run_tune(args.n_hlayer, args.time_budget_s, args.run_option, scheduler, args.search_algo, args.debug)

 File ~/Brian2/hyper_param_tune/, in run_tune(n_hlayer, time_budget_s, resume_option, scheduler, algo_option, debug)
     140         restart_errored = (resume_option=="restart_errored")
     141         tuner = tune.Tuner.restore(
     142                 os.path.join(raw_log_dir, raw_log_name),
     143                 resume_errored, restart_errored)
 --> 145 results =
     146 best_result = results.get_best_result(metric="eff_validation", mode="max")
     147 print('----- best result information ------')

 File ~/local_pkgs/anaconda3/envs/brian2/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ray/tune/, in
     345 if not self._is_ray_client:
     346     try:
 --> 347         return
     348     except TuneError as e:
     349         raise TuneError(
     350             _TUNER_FAILED_MSG.format(
     351                 path=self._local_tuner.get_experiment_checkpoint_dir()
     352             )
     353         ) from e

 File ~/local_pkgs/anaconda3/envs/brian2/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ray/tune/impl/, in
     586 param_space = copy.deepcopy(self.param_space)
     587 if not self._is_restored:
 --> 588     analysis = self._fit_internal(trainable, param_space)
     589 else:
     590     analysis = self._fit_resume(trainable, param_space)

 File ~/local_pkgs/anaconda3/envs/brian2/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ray/tune/impl/, in TunerInternal._fit_internal(self, trainable, param_space)
     689 """Fitting for a fresh Tuner."""
     690 args = {
     691     **self._get_tune_run_arguments(trainable),
     692     **dict(
     701     **self._tuner_kwargs,
     702 }
 --> 703 analysis = run(
     704     **args,
     705 )
     706 self.clear_remote_string_queue()
     707 return analysis

 File ~/local_pkgs/anaconda3/envs/brian2/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ray/tune/, in run(run_or_experiment, name, metric, mode, stop, time_budget_s, config, resources_per_trial, num_samples, storage_path, search_alg, scheduler, checkpoint_config, verbose, progress_reporter, log_to_file, trial_name_creator, trial_dirname_creator, chdir_to_trial_dir, sync_config, export_formats, max_failures, fail_fast, restore, server_port, resume, reuse_actors, raise_on_failed_trial, callbacks, max_concurrent_trials, keep_checkpoints_num, checkpoint_score_attr, checkpoint_freq, checkpoint_at_end, checkpoint_keep_all_ranks, checkpoint_upload_from_workers, trial_executor, local_dir, _experiment_checkpoint_dir, _remote, _remote_string_queue, _entrypoint)
    1103 try:
    1104     while (
    1105         not runner.is_finished() and not experiment_interrupted_event.is_set()
    1106     ):
 -> 1107         runner.step()
    1108         if has_verbosity(Verbosity.V1_EXPERIMENT):
    1109             _report_progress(runner, progress_reporter)
 File ~/local_pkgs/anaconda3/envs/brian2/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ray/tune/execution/, in TuneController.step(self)
     286 if not
     287     # If there are no actors running, warn about potentially
     288     # insufficient resources
     289     if not self._actor_manager.num_live_actors:
 --> 290         self._insufficient_resources_manager.on_no_available_trials(
     291             self.get_trials()
     292         )
     294 # Maybe stop whole experiment
     295 self._stop_experiment_if_needed()

 File ~/local_pkgs/anaconda3/envs/brian2/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ray/tune/execution/, in _InsufficientResourcesManager.on_no_available_trials(self, all_trials)
     157     return
     159 # Otherwise, can fulfill none
     160 msg = _get_insufficient_resources_warning_msg(
 --> 161     for_train=self._for_train, trial=all_trials[0]
     162 )
     163 logger.warning(msg)
     164 self._no_running_trials_since = time.monotonic()

 IndexError: list index out of range