Ray Actor failover

Hi @sangcho, I have a follow up question. In my previous use case, if the actor holds references of data I put into Ray’s distributed object store (using ray.put), in case of failover, is there any way to recover those references (I guess data is still in plasma store)?

By our reference counting protocol, if the owner (the first worker that creates the object) is dead, the data in the plasma store is destroyed. Unfortunately, in this case, you need to implement check point to recover them and put again. For task-based workload, we support fault tolerance for objects now (Fault Tolerance — Ray 3.0.0.dev0).

By the way, from this thread: Get actor handle by ObjectRef it seems ray.objects api returns all shared objects, but I can’t find this api in latest ray. Is it still supported? If not, is there any other way to achieve what ray.objects does?

We put more efforts recently to stabilize APIs, and this API is deprecated. What’s your use case with this API? If you just want to see what objects are in the cluster, there’s a CLI called ray memory that displays all object information in the cluster.