Issues Implementing MultiDiscrete Action Space with Action Masks in Custom Environment

Did find a workaround with avoiding MultiDiscrete

My workaround was now:

        "action_mask": gym.spaces.Dict({
            "action_type": gym.spaces.MultiBinary(self.number_of_actions),
            "x": gym.spaces.MultiBinary(85),
            "y": gym.spaces.MultiBinary(85),

    self.action_space = gym.spaces.Dict({
        "action_type": gym.spaces.Discrete(self.number_of_actions),
        "x": gym.spaces.Discrete(85),
        "y": gym.spaces.Discrete(85),

I got the idea from RLlib and, where a blog entry mentioned problems with MultiBinary and MultiDiscrete. Atleast with MultiBinary I didn’t have problems.