How to tell RLLIB trainer (Not Tune) to run that many number of episodes

Hi @Arif_Jahangir and welcome to the forum,

your question depends on your setup, i.e. are you using in your config "batch_mode"="complete_episodes" or "batch_mode"="truncate_episodes" (see here for a list of all configuration parameters)?

The number of episodes depends on multiple parameters: "batch_mode"="complete_episodes" would collect in a single batch only complete episodes, while "truncate_episodes" would mean that episodes can be truncated and where they get truncated depends on the configuration parameter "rollout_fragment_length" and the parameter "count_steps_by".

That said, your episodes might take many many steps through the environment until an episode ends - so configuration parameters should fit your experiment well. I suggest you to read the RLlib documentation about Sample Collection where you find good information about how episodes get collected and what to think about when choosing corresponding configuration parameters.

See also this discussion for understanding environment and agent steps.


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